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Trivia Quiz - Young Frankenstein Movie Quotes

Classic movie, classic quotes. -bill

Quiz Number: 1230
Date Submitted: May 17, 2007
Quiz Categories: Comedy Movies Quote Quizzes
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: bill
Average Score: 68.9 percent
Times Taken: 236 times
Taken by Registered Users: 18

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Young Frankenstein Movie Quotes
(Image Source: Young Frankenstein)

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1. "What knockers!"
  A.   Dr. Frankenstein
  B.   The Monster
  C.   Igor
  D.   Inspector Kemp

2. "Taffeta, darling."
  A.   Frau Blucher
  B.   Inga
  C.   Elizabeth
  D.   Dr. Frankenstein

3. "Well, why isn't it "Froaderick Fronkensteen"?"
  A.   The Monster
  B.   Igor
  C.   Herr Falkstein
  D.   The Blind Man

4. "Stay close to the candles. The stairway can be... treacherous."
  A.   Inspector Kemp
  B.   Inga
  C.   Frau Blucher
  D.   Igor

5. "Hallo. Vould you like a roll in ze hay?"
  A.   Inga
  B.   Frau Blucher
  C.   Herr Falkstein
  D.   Inspector Kemp

6. "Following in his grandfather's footsteps, footsteps, footsteps."
  A.   Igor
  B.   Frau Blucher
  C.   The Monster
  D.   Inspector Kemp

7. "You must have been the biggest one in your class"
  A.   The Blind Man
  B.   Igor
  C.   Dr. Frankenstein
  D.   Inga

8. "We have intellectual discussions on we-. As a matter of fact we were just having one as you entered, aren't we now?"
  A.   Inspector Kemp
  B.   Dr. Frankenstein
  C.   Elizabeth
  D.   Inga

9. "Ovaltine?"
  A.   Igor
  B.   The Blind Man
  C.   Frau Blucher
  D.   Inga

10. "Ixnay on the ottenray."
  A.   Igor
  B.   Dr. Frankenstein
  C.   Inga
  D.   Herr Falkstein®   

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