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Trivia Quiz - Shakespearean Contributions to English

William Shakespeare provided the most contributions of any individual to the English language. Thirty of his efforts are below. Pick the ten that were not his doing.

Quiz Number: 5679
Date Submitted: June 04, 2017
Quiz Categories: Literature, Shakespeare
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: grant228
Average Score: 43.8 percent
Times Taken: 8 times
Taken by Registered Users: 2

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Shakespearean Contributions to English

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1. Which of the following idioms was not made by William Shakespeare?
  A.   one fell swoop
  B.   vanish into thin air
  C.   play fast and loose
  D.   chip on your shoulder

2. William Shakespeare did not coin which of the following?
  A.   a piece of cake
  B.   go down the primrose path
  C.   be in a pickle
  D.   budge an inch

3. William Shakespeare did not write which of the following?
  A.   the milk of human kindness
  B.   beating around the bush
  C.   remembrance of things past
  D.   cold comfort

4. Which of these was not created by William Shakespeare?
  A.   salad days
  B.   flesh and blood
  C.   cry over spilt milk
  D.   foul play

5. Shakespeare did not conjure which of the following?
  A.   tower of strength
  B.   fit as a fiddle
  C.   cruel to be kind
  D.   blinking idiot

6. Which of the following did William Shakespeare not create?
  A.   with bated breath
  B.   pomp and circumstance
  C.   know the ropes
  D.   foregone conclusion

7. William Shakespeare was not responsible for the birth of which following expression?
  A.   heart of gold
  B.   wild goose chase
  C.   elbow room
  D.   pull your finger out

8. William Shakespeare did not coin which of the following?
  A.   long in the tooth
  B.   breaking the ice
  C.   method in his madness
  D.   pitched battle

9. Which of the following expressions was not created by William Shakespeare?
  A.   milk of human kindness
  B.   strange bedfellows
  C.   the quick and the dead
  D.   naked truth

10. William Shakespeare was not responsible for which of the following?
  A.   forgone conclusion
  B.   lacklustre
  C.   be all and end all
  D.   on cloud nine®   

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