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Trivia Quiz - Pen Names of Famous Writers

Match the pen names with real names of the following famous writers.

Quiz Number: 4643
Date Submitted: August 10, 2012
Quiz Categories: Literature, Authors
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: grant228
Average Score: 51.7 percent
Times Taken: 189 times
Taken by Registered Users: 4

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Pen Names of Famous Writers

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1. Poor Richard was the pen name of which acclaimed American writer?
  A.   Washington Irving
  B.   Benjamin Franklin
  C.   Herman Melville
  D.   Ambrose Bierce

2. George Orwell was the pen name of which British writer?
  A.   George Browne
  B.   Arthur Blake
  C.   William Butler
  D.   Eric Blair

3. O Henry was the pseudonym of which US writer?
  A.   William Sydney Porter
  B.   Herbert Raymond Neilson
  C.   John Stevens Martin
  D.   Malcolm George Michaels

4. Boz was the infrequently used pen name of which British writer?
  A.   Lord Byron
  B.   Gerald Manley Hopkins
  C.   Charles Dickens
  D.   Thomas Hardy

5. Elia was the nom-de-plume of which British author?
  A.   Joseph Conrad
  B.   John Keats
  C.   Samuel Coleridge
  D.   Charles Lamb

6. What is the real name of acclaimed children's author Dr Seuss?
  A.   Frederik Heinkel
  B.   Theodor Geisel
  C.   Gordon Schwarz
  D.   Wilhelm Mauritz

7. What is the real name of British writer John Le Carre?
  A.   Herbert Sussex
  B.   William Brighton
  C.   David Cornwell
  D.   Albert Hampshire

8. George Eliot was the pen name of which female British writer?
  A.   Mary Ann Evans
  B.   Shirley Jane Martin
  C.   Suzanne Martha Wilson
  D.   Jean Joyce Martin

9. Saki was the nom-de-plume of which British writer?
  A.   Mitchell Martin Jenkins
  B.   Hector Hugh Munro
  C.   Oswald Oscar Taylor
  D.   John Joseph Caldwell

10. Lewis Carroll was the pseudonym of which British mathematician?
  A.   Michael Blakeney White
  B.   Oswald Carmichael Browne
  C.   Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
  D.   Timothy Jones Garden®   

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