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Trivia Quiz - A to Z Vocabulary (H Words)

Find the definitions for these words that start with the letter "H" by taking this vocabulary quiz.

Quiz Number: 3808
Date Submitted: January 19, 2011
Quiz Categories: Grammar & Vocabulary
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: zendyk
Average Score: 74.6 percent
Times Taken: 41 times
Taken by Registered Users: 7

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A to Z Vocabulary (H Words)
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1. What is the meaning of the word hiatus?
  A.   a book of Greek philosophy
  B.   a break
  C.   feeling hungry after smoking pot
  D.   a speech delivered in Latin

2. What is the meaning of the word horripilation?
  A.   fear of moving water
  B.   goosebumps
  C.   the separation of enzymes
  D.   total destruction

3. What is the meaning of the word hedonism?
  A.   a celibate lifestyle
  B.   pursuit of pleasure as a goal
  C.   a religious group comprised of elderly men
  D.   sun worship

4. What is the meaning of the word harangue?
  A.   a dessert topping containing egg whites and powerdered sugar
  B.   a pompous speech
  C.   a temple found in remote parts of Argentina
  D.   a type of Latin dance

5. What is the meaning of the word hinterland?
  A.   a field covered with snow
  B.   an isolated spot in the middle of a city
  C.   a small Dutch colony
  D.   wilderness

6. What is the meaning of the word hyperbole?
  A.   the ability to tie bows quickly
  B.   a funny story
  C.   purposeful exaggeration
  D.   a pun

7. What is the meaning of the word hemicycle?
  A.   a bike designed for world travel
  B.   half a bicycle
  C.   half a year
  D.   a semicircular structure

8. What is the meaning of the word hackneyed?
  A.   having bloodshot eyes
  B.   having horse-like knees
  C.   unsophisticated
  D.   worn out by over-use

9. What is the meaning of the word hoary?
  A.   foamy
  B.   promiscuous
  C.   whitish or gray from age
  D.   wild

10. What is the meaning of the word hookah?
  A.   a prostitute
  B.   a type of shoe worn in Turkey
  C.   a water pipe
  D.   a type of skirt worn in Nepal®   

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