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Trivia Quiz - A to Z Vocabulary (D Words)

Find the definitions for these words that start with the letter "D" by taking this vocabulary quiz.

Quiz Number: 3802
Date Submitted: January 16, 2011
Quiz Categories: Grammar & Vocabulary
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: zendyk
Average Score: 68 percent
Times Taken: 51 times
Taken by Registered Users: 9

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A to Z Vocabulary (D Words)
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1. What is the meaning of the word diabolical?
  A.   crazy
  B.   evil
  C.   reckless
  D.   serious

2. What is the meaning of the word dilatory?
  A.   a place where books are kept
  B.   a razor
  C.   slow
  D.   something that dilates

3. What is the meaning of the word deft?
  A.   part of a rifle
  B.   a pile of snow
  C.   skillful
  D.   stupid

4. What is the meaning of the word derision?
  A.   a false perception
  B.   mockery
  C.   rudeness
  D.   separation

5. What is the meaning of the word diatribe?
  A.   mechanical skill
  B.   a newspaper article
  C.   verbal attack
  D.   a weight loss support group

6. What is the meaning of the word dissonant?
  A.   harsh and unpleasant sounding
  B.   to ignore the sister of one's mother
  C.   lacking confidence
  D.   a letter which is not a vowel

7. What is the meaning of the word dissemble?
  A.   to break up
  B.   a group
  C.   to pretend
  D.   to take apart

8. What is the meaning of the word dudgeon?
  A.   angry indignation
  B.   a castle's prison
  C.   to hit with a short club
  D.   a small rodent found in Kenya

9. What is the meaning of the word dulcet?
  A.   a boring jazz performance
  B.   a Mexican dessert
  C.   pleasant sounding
  D.   the primary monetary unit of Malta

10. What is the meaning of the word dogmatic?
  A.   an automatic dog walker
  B.   bossy
  C.   rigidly opinionated
  D.   a robotic canine®   

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