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Trivia Quiz - A to Z Vocabulary (B Words)

Find the definitions for these words that start with the letter "B" by taking this vocabulary quiz.

Quiz Number: 3798
Date Submitted: January 15, 2011
Quiz Categories: Grammar & Vocabulary
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: zendyk
Average Score: 70.5 percent
Times Taken: 80 times
Taken by Registered Users: 10

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A to Z Vocabulary (B Words)
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1. What is the meaning of the word ballast?
  A.   the back end of a ship
  B.   balance
  C.   the final scene in a ballet
  D.   heavy material used to stabilize

2. What is the meaning of the word belligerent?
  A.   anger towards one's landlord
  B.   childish
  C.   hostile
  D.   severe

3. What is the meaning of the word brothel?
  A.   a group of male siblings
  B.   a house of prostitution
  C.   a scratchy fabric used to make sacks for grain
  D.   something which is added to broth to thicken it

4. What is the meaning of the word bellicose?
  A.   swollen and dilated
  B.   warlike
  C.   unconscious
  D.   an additive used primarily in canned goods

5. What is the meaning of the word banter?
  A.   battle
  B.   a large sign
  C.   to negotiate
  D.   playful conversation

6. What is the meaning of the word beseech?
  A.   to beg
  B.   to pray
  C.   to propose marriage
  D.   a type of tree

7. What is the meaning of the word bifurcate?
  A.   to divide into two parts
  B.   to use two types of fur in making a coat
  C.   to start an argument
  D.   a remedy for an upset stomach

8. What is the meaning of the word boon?
  A.   a boost
  B.   a blessing
  C.   demise
  D.   a play on words

9. What is the meaning of the word brigand?
  A.   a military unit
  B.   an outlaw
  C.   a prisoner on a ship
  D.   a tool used by blacksmiths

10. What is the meaning of the word buffoon?
  A.   a fool
  B.   a rich sailor
  C.   a tan balloon
  D.   a water pipe smoker's used in the 70s®   

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