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Trivia Quiz - A to Z Vocabulary (A Words)

Find the definitions of these words that start with the letter "A" by taking this vocabulary quiz.

Quiz Number: 3796
Date Submitted: January 14, 2011
Quiz Categories: Grammar & Vocabulary
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: zendyk
Average Score: 68.9 percent
Times Taken: 104 times
Taken by Registered Users: 11

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A to Z Vocabulary (A Words)
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1. What is the meaning of the word acrimonious?
  A.   hateful
  B.   a marriage between acrobats
  C.   poverty stricken
  D.   a sharp ammonia smell

2. What is the meaning of the word atrophy?
  A.   an award
  B.   to go weak in the knees
  C.   to hit the bullseye
  D.   to wither from disuse

3. What is the meaning of the word aesthetic?
  A.   abstinent
  B.   pertaining to beauty or art
  C.   something used to deaden pain
  D.   something that kills germs

4. What is the meaning of the word adamant?
  A.   critical
  B.   the first ant ever created
  C.   noisy
  D.   unyielding

5. What is the meaning of the word alleviate?
  A.   to improve or relieve
  B.   mass exodus
  C.   to rise into the air
  D.   to shorten

6. What is the meaning of the word abeyance?
  A.   compliance
  B.   a forest by the sea
  C.   a secret departure
  D.   temporary supression or suspension

7. What is the meaning of the word abstemious?
  A.   argumentative
  B.   deliberate avoidance
  C.   moderate in appetite
  D.   without a stem

8. What is the meaning of the word ameliorate?
  A.   to critique someone's cooking
  B.   to improve
  C.   to be found innocent
  D.   to wash thoroughly

9. What is the meaning of the word apothegm?
  A.   a backward view
  B.   congestion caused by marijuana smoking
  C.   related to pharmacology
  D.   a short, instructive saying

10. What is the meaning of the word asceticism?
  A.   a sedentary and judgmental lifestyle
  B.   an obscure South American religion
  C.   a sarcastic saying
  D.   self-denial®   

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