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Trivia Quiz - International Car Registration Plates

Match the car plate abbreviation with the country it represents or match the country with its license plate fact!

Quiz Number: 3707
Date Submitted: December 21, 2010
Quiz Categories: Culture
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: grant228
Average Score: 53.3 percent
Times Taken: 33 times
Taken by Registered Users: 6

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International Car Registration Plates
(Image Source: British License Plate)

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1. Car plate abbreviation MA stands for what country?
  A.   Morocco
  B.   Malaysia
  C.   Malawi
  D.   Mali

2. Car plate abbreviation P stands for what country?
  A.   Pakistan
  B.   Portugal
  C.   Peru
  D.   Philippines

3. Car plate abbreviation C stands for what country?
  A.   Canada
  B.   Cyprus
  C.   Cuba
  D.   Czech Republic

4. Car plate abbreviation E stands for what country?
  A.   Belize
  B.   Iceland
  C.   Spain
  D.   Vietnam

5. Car plate abbreviation Z A stands for what country?
  A.   Zambia
  B.   Venezuela
  C.   Mozambique
  D.   South Africa

6. Car plate abbreviation A stands for what country?
  A.   Andorra
  B.   Australia
  C.   Austria
  D.   Afghanistan

7. Car plate abbreviation L stands for what country?
  A.   Libya
  B.   Luxembourg
  C.   Laos
  D.   Liberia

8. Car plate abbreviation D stands for what country?
  A.   Denmark
  B.   Poland
  C.   Ethiopia
  D.   Germany

9. Car plate abbreviation I stands for what country?
  A.   Italy
  B.   Ireland
  C.   India
  D.   Israel

10. Car plate abbreviation RO stands for what country?
  A.   Russia
  B.   Romania
  C.   North Korea
  D.   Chile®   

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