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Trivia Quiz - Assassinations the World Over

Here is a tough trivia quiz about the facts and dates associated with assassinations throughout the world!

Quiz Number: 1322
Date Submitted: June 17, 2007
Quiz Categories: History, World Leaders, Assassinations
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: tazzytina
Average Score: 62.9 percent
Times Taken: 428 times
Taken by Registered Users: 37

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Assassinations the World Over
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1. June 28, 1914
  A.   Adolf Hitler
  B.   King Humber I of Italy
  C.   Archduke Francis Ferdinand
  D.   Theodore Roosevelt

2. October 9, 1967
  A.   Robert Kennedy
  B.   Ronald Reagan
  C.   Robert Downey
  D.   Che Guevara

3. October 6 1981
  A.   Martin Luther King JR
  B.   Robert Kennedy
  C.   Malcom X
  D.   Anwar al-Sadat

4. February 21, 1965
  A.   Martin Luther King JR
  B.   Malcolm X
  C.   John Lennon
  D.   Robert Kennedy

5. December 8, 1980
  A.   Pope John II
  B.   John Lennon
  C.   Ronald Reagan
  D.   Malcom X

6. March 31, 1995
  A.   John Lennon
  B.   Selena
  C.   Marvin Gaye
  D.   Marky Mark

7. April 1, 1984
  A.   John Lennon
  B.   Selena
  C.   Marvin Gaye
  D.   Harry Houdini

8. October 12, 1960
  A.   Malcom X
  B.   Inejiro Asanuma
  C.   King Alexander I of Yugoslavia
  D.   Archduke Francis Ferdinand

9. October 9, 1934
  A.   King Alexander I of Yugoslavia
  B.   Inejiro Asanuma
  C.   Archduke Francis Ferdinand
  D.   Tsar Nicholas II

10. July 16, 1918
  A.   King Alexander I of Yugoslavia
  B.   Inejiro Asanuma
  C.   Nicholas Romanov
  D.   Archduke Francis Ferdinand®   

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