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Trivia Quiz - Candy Slogans

This is a trivia quiz about our nation's candy slogans. These are some classic candy advertising slogans!

Quiz Number: 4885
Date Submitted: December 19, 2012
Quiz Categories: Food & Drink
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: dartjock
Average Score: 67.8 percent
Times Taken: 1,844 times
Taken by Registered Users: 19

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Candy Slogans

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1. Which candy company has the slogan "Taste the Rainbow?"
  A.   Skittles
  B.   Starburst
  C.   Lifesavers
  D.   Jolly Ranchers

2. Which candy company has the slogan "Whatdayacallit?"
  A.   Skor
  B.   Bit O' Honey
  C.   Whatchamacallit
  D.   Goobers

3. Which candy company has the slogan "Nobody better lay a finger on my________?"
  A.   Mounds
  B.   Butterfinger
  C.   Reese's
  D.   Mr. Goodbar

4. Which candy company has the slogan "Melts in your Mouth, not in your Hands?"
  A.   KitKat
  B.   Mounds
  C.   Whoppers
  D.   M&M's

5. Which candy company has the slogan "Get the Sensation?"
  A.   Almond Joy
  B.   Hershey's
  C.   York Peppermint Patty
  D.   KitKat

6. Which candy company has the slogan "Isn't life juicy?"
  A.   Lemon Heads
  B.   Twizzlers
  C.   Juicy Fruit
  D.   Starburst

7. Which candy company has the slogan "Hungry? Why Wait?"
  A.   Baby Ruth
  B.   Snickers
  C.   Milky Way
  D.   Twix

8. Which candy company has the slogan "Big on Chocalate, not on fat?"
  A.   3 Musketeers
  B.   Hershey's
  C.   Milky Way
  D.   Chunky

9. Which candy company has the slogan "The Great American Chocalate Bar?"
  A.   Baby Ruth
  B.   Snickers
  C.   Twix
  D.   Hershey's

10. Which candy company has the slogan "Makes Mouths Happy?"
  A.   Whoppers
  B.   Twizzlers
  C.   Mounds
  D.   Bit O' Honey®   

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