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Trivia Quiz - U.S. Vice Presidents: Part 5

There have been 47 vice presidents of the United States, from John Adams to Joe Biden.

Quiz Number: 4263
Date Submitted: January 15, 2012
Quiz Categories: American History, American Vice Presidents
Quiz Type: People Quiz
Author: patrickryan
Average Score: 38.8 percent
Times Taken: 58 times
Taken by Registered Users: 3

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U.S. Vice Presidents Part 5
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1. James A. Garfield, asked him to be his vice presidential running mate, but he declined the offer. If he had accepted and history continued on the same course, he would have become the twenty-first President, after Garfield's assassination.
  A.   Thomas Hendricks
  B.   Chester Arthur
  C.   Adlai Stevenson
  D.   Levi Morton

2. He was a Postmaster General under the first Cleveland administration, where he fired over 40,000 Republicans and replaced them with southern Democrats.
  A.   Levi Morton
  B.   Garret Hobart
  C.   Adlai Stevenson
  D.   Chester Arthur

3. He said: "An honest dollar, worth 100 cents everywhere, cannot be coined out of 53 cents worth of silver plus a legislative fiat."
  A.   Garret Hobart
  B.   Adlai Stevenson
  C.   Theodore Roosevelt
  D.   William Bryan Jennings

4. This Vice President quit his job as Assistant Secretary of the Navy to join the US Army as a Colonel, to fight in Cuba.
  A.   Garret Hobart
  B.   Charles Fairbanks
  C.   Theodore Roosevelt
  D.   James Sherman

5. Born in a log cabin near Delaware, Ohio, this son of a wagon-maker, saw his family's home used as a hiding place for runaway slaves.
  A.   James Sherman
  B.   Charles Fairbanks
  C.   Thomas Marshall
  D.   Garret Hobart

6. His vice presidency is most remembered for a leadership crisis following a stroke that incapacitated the President.
  A.   Garret Hobart
  B.   Calvin Coolidge
  C.   Thomas Marshall
  D.   James Sherman

7. He succeeded to the Presidency upon the sudden death of Warren G. Harding in 1923. Elected in his own right in 1924, he gained a reputation as a small-government conservative, and also as a man who said very little.
  A.   Thomas Marshall
  B.   Calvin Coolidge
  C.   Charles Curtis
  D.   Charles Dawes

8. For his work on the Dawes Plan for World War I reparations he was a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
  A.   Theodore Roosevelt
  B.   John Garner
  C.   Charles Curtis
  D.   Charles Dawes

9. He was the first person with significant acknowledged Native American ancestry and the first person with significant acknowledged non-European ancestry to reach either of the two highest offices in the United States government's executive branch.
  A.   John Garner
  B.   Sitting Bull Bryant
  C.   Charles Curtis
  D.   Henry Wallace

10. He was re-elected to the Seventy-third Congress on the same day was elected Vice President of the United States, making him the only man to serve as both Speaker of the House and VP.
  A.   John Garner
  B.   Henry Wallace
  C.   Charles Curtis
  D.   Charles Dawes®   

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