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Trivia Quiz - Daniel Webster - American Statesman

Daniel Webster (January 18, 1782 – October 24, 1852) was a leading American statesman and senator from Massachusetts during the period leading up to the Civil War.

Quiz Number: 4185
Date Submitted: December 08, 2011
Quiz Categories: American History, American Civil War
Quiz Type: Personality Quiz
Author: patrickryan
Average Score: 44.1 percent
Times Taken: 81 times
Taken by Registered Users: 5
Quiz is about: Daniel Webster

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Daniel Webster  American Statesman
(Image Source: Daniel Webster @ wikipedia)

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1. What did Webster do during the War of 1812?
  A.   Private, US Army.
  B.   Captain, US Marine Corps.
  C.   US Congress - House of Representative
  D.   Moved to Canada to protest the war.

2. Of the 223 cases Webster argued before the Supreme Court, about how many did he win?
  A.   220
  B.   110
  C.   85
  D.   55

3. Webster argued Dartmouth College v. Woodward to the Supreme Court establishing what?
  A.   New Hampshire did NOT have the right to take over the college.
  B.   New Hampshire HAD the right to take over the college.
  C.   The College really belonged to Britian, since the British King had founded it.
  D.   The college belonged to the people, and the US Government owned the college as the result of the US Revolutionary War.

4. As a representative at the 1820 Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, how did Webster argue regarding universal (for men) suffrage?
  A.   Webster argue against it: he felt voting rights should be tied to property rights.
  B.   Webster felt men only had a God given right to vote.
  C.   Webster felt men AND women had the right to vote.
  D.   Webster abstained from voting - he felt the US would be better with a King.

5. With the support of a coalition of both Federalists and Republicans, Webster's record in the United States House of Representative and his celebrity as an orator led to what in June 1827?
  A.   his nomination to the Supreme Court of the US.
  B.   his election to Vice President under Andrew Jackson.
  C.   his election as Governor of Massachusetts.
  D.   his election to the US Senate from Massachusetts

6. The Panic of 1837 resulted in what for Webster?
  A.   He became a wealthy man, through using his family fortune to purchase land at low prices.
  B.   He was approaching bankruptcy - he was over extended, over-mortgaged, and living too lavishly.
  C.   He was unaffected as he was independently wealthy and frugal by nature.
  D.   He was censured by Congress for "insider trading."

7. In 1836, Webster ran for US President, but only managed to gain the support from what state?
  A.   New Hampshire
  B.   Massachusetts
  C.   Maine
  D.   West Virginia

8. President Harrison appointed Webster to the post of __________________ in 1841, a post he retained under President John Tyler after the death of Harrison, a month after his inauguration.
  A.   Secretary of Treasury
  B.   Secretary of the Interior
  C.   Secretary of War
  D.   Secretary of State

9. Webster sought the Whig Party's nomination for the President but was beaten by the military hero Zachary Taylor. Webster was once again offered the Vice-Presidency, but he declined saying,
  A.   "I will take the Vice Presidency only if President Taylor is confirmed to have a fatal disease."
  B.   "The Vice Presidency is as useful as a pitcher of warm spit."
  C.   "I do not propose to be buried until I am really dead and in my coffin."
  D.   "Thanks, but no thanks."

10. Webster gave one of his most famous speeches, characterizing himself "not as a Massachusetts man, nor as a Northern man but as an American..." What was Webster eloquently supporting?
  A.   The Missouri Compromise
  B.   The Compromise of 1850
  C.   The 3/5 Compromise.
  D.   Fugitive Slave Law of 1850.®   

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