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Trivia Quiz - The 1970s: Name the Year

Name the year these notable 70s events took place. 10 questions - one for each year of this decade.

Quiz Number: 3857
Date Submitted: February 25, 2011
Quiz Categories: History, What Year Did It Happen?
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: grant228
Average Score: 41.3 percent
Times Taken: 310 times
Taken by Registered Users: 13

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The 1970s Name the Year
(Image Source: Farrah Fawcett Poster)

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1. First commercial flight of the Concorde. Israeli commandos rescue over 100 hostages from Entebbe. Howard Hughes dies.
  A.   1972
  B.   1974
  C.   1976
  D.   1978

2. Sadat and Begin sign peace treaty. Air New Zealand airbus crashes into Mt Erebus, Antarctica. The Gossamer Albatross crosses the English Channel - the first man-powered craft to do so.
  A.   1973
  B.   1975
  C.   1977
  D.   1979

3. President Nixon visits China. Idi Amin expels Asians from Uganda. Bloody Sunday uprising in Londonderry, Ireland.
  A.   1970
  B.   1971
  C.   1972
  D.   1973

4. The Khmer Rouge decree Year Zero in Cambodia. General Franco of Spain dies. King Faisal of Saudia Arabia assassinated.
  A.   1971
  B.   1973
  C.   1975
  D.   1978

5. Richard Nixon is forced to resign the US presidency. Charles Lindbergh dies. Willie Brandt of West Germany forced to resign.
  A.   1972
  B.   1974
  C.   1975
  D.   1976

6. Britain joins the EEC. Spiro Agnew resigns US vice-presidency. President Allende of Chile overthrown by General Pinochet.
  A.   1973
  B.   1974
  C.   1975
  D.   1976

7. President Nasser of Egypt dies. Pope Paul VI survives assassination attempt. My Lai massacre charges are laid against 14 US officers.
  A.   1970
  B.   1972
  C.   1973
  D.   1974

8. Two popes die in same year. General Zia-ul-Haq takes control of Pakistan. Jim Jones and his followers commit suicide in Guyana.
  A.   1972
  B.   1974
  C.   1976
  D.   1978

9. Disney World opens in Florida. Jim Morrison of The Doors dies. Frazier defeats Ali at Madison Square Garden.
  A.   1970
  B.   1971
  C.   1973
  D.   1974

10. Over 500 people killed in Tenerife air disaster. 'Star Wars' released. Steve Biko dies in police custody in South Africa.
  A.   1976
  B.   1977
  C.   1978
  D.   1979®   

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