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Trivia Quiz - Green Acres' Basics

Green Acres is the place for easy quizzes, dahling! -danalee

Quiz Number: 380
Date Submitted: May 12, 2006
Quiz Categories: American TV Sitcoms
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: dana
Average Score: 87.2 percent
Times Taken: 619 times
Taken by Registered Users: 56

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Green Acres Basics
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1. What is the name of the pig?
  A.   Amos
  B.   Alfred
  C.   Albert
  D.   Arnold

2. What does Eb affectionately call Oliver?
  A.   Buddy
  B.   Pal
  C.   Dad
  D.   Friend

3. In what city did Oliver and Lisa reside prior to moving to the farm?
  A.   Atlanta
  B.   Chicago
  C.   New York City
  D.   Raleigh, North Carolina

4. Oliver and Lisa bought their farm from whom?
  A.   Mr. Haney
  B.   Fred Ziffel
  C.   Joe Carson
  D.   Mr. Drucker

5. Where on the farm does Eb sleep?
  A.   in the shed
  B.   in his room on the main floor
  C.   in the barn loft
  D.   in the basement

6. What does Mr. Haney do?
  A.   bumbling county agent
  B.   opportunistic & swindling salesman
  C.   humble farmer
  D.   philosophical general store owner

7. What does Mr. Drucker do?
  A.   handsome crop duster
  B.   opportunistic & swindling salesman
  C.   humble farmer
  D.   philosophical general store owner

8. Who are the bumbling carpenters that the Douglases employ to work on their house?
  A.   The Jessup Twins
  B.   The Carlton Crew
  C.   The Monroe Brothers
  D.   ACME Construction

9. Who is the bumbling, forgetful county agent?
  A.   Mr. Kimball
  B.   Mr. Dawson
  C.   Mr. Elliott
  D.   Mr. Carson

10. What is the name of the fictional town in which the show is set?
  A.   Hooterville
  B.   Mayberry
  C.   Bayberry
  D.   Pikes Corner®   

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